Message from the President - Aug '21

President's Message,
It’s August. Many of us are heading out for (or just returning from) summer vacation, preparing for back to school, and hopefully, very busy putting up Metal Buildings! August means summer is winding down and fall is coming. By this time of year you should have all your 2021 projects locked up and under way. It is often a time of introspection: what else can I do to secure one more project, to speed up production, to control costs? If anyone has the answer to those three questions, please call me!
For MBCEA leadership, this is a relatively quiet period; not that we ever slow down, but at this time of the year we are mainly focused on planning for the following year. The Conference team is already considering schedules, menus and training topics. The Membership Committee is working on a plan to ensure strong renewals and robust growth. And Nominating is doing their thing, getting ready to present a slate of candidates next month.
My term will end in December; Jen Heimburger is set to assume the mantle of the Presidency. Some of our Trustees will also be completing their terms, creating openings for their replacements. If you have ever considered seeking a spot on the National Board or simply want to get more involved, now is the time to speak up. Candidates for the National Board are expected to:
  • Support the MBCEA’s mission and promote MBCEA to industry.  
  • Stay informed about what's going on in the organization and industry. Ask questions and request information. 
  • Attend biannual meetings (one each at National Conference and METALCON) 
  • Participate in and take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies, and other matters. 
  • Speak up; do not stay silent if you have questions or concerns. 
  • Support the goals of the Strategic Plan. 
  • Lead by example with regards to AC478. Become accredited and promote accreditation.   
  • Recruit new members.  
  • Drive content for meetings, conference, website, etc. 
  • Work in good faith with staff and other board members as partners toward development and achievement of goals. 
Board members who are not also Chapter Presidents are expected to actively serve on at least one committee. Committees typically meet once a month. Please send Sasha a brief note, outlining your interest. We also need members willing to serve on the Marketing committee.
While you are considering becoming more involved, I hope you are also planning to attend METALCON. For many of us, this will be our first in-person event in some time! I know it will be a great show. MBCEA is offering two training sessions - one highlighting AC478 and the other a review of Temporary Bracing Requirements. There are more details in our August newsletter, including a discount code to attend.
In closing, I just want to remind everyone to hold tight to your loved ones. Disaster, illness, etc. can strike at any moment. This past month we buried two dear MBCEA friends, Gino Demyan and Al Kessel. And this crazy pandemic is not done with us yet.
Stay safe!
Art Hance
President, MBCEA
President, Hance Construction