Looking for a Metal Roofing Crew

Looking for Erectors,
MBCEA Member A-Lert Building Systems of New Braunfels, TX a Division of Centurion Industry, Inc. is looking for a metal roofer with experience in retrofit roofs. The contracted project is a 23,000 sqft tear off and reroof/ “panel”, located in downtown San Antonio and is scheduled to start May 2, 2022. A-Lert will provide heavy machinery and materials as needed. This will be for labor only; contractor will need to provide labor and labor cost. Details of the job will be discussed during our communication. For more information, please contact Darilyn Ward at A-Lert Roof Systems at DWard@centurionind.com or Ryan Duffee at RDuffee@centurionind.com.
* MBCEA offers information to its members regarding specific projects, labor force needs, and available workers as a value-added service to its members. This information is offered for purposes of connecting members to available opportunities. MBCEA promotes the safe and professional construction of metal building systems; but our organization is not set up to and does not screen members for their qualifications or ability to work on any specific project. As such, MBCEA makes no promises, representations, warranties, or guarantees about the quality of the company, people, or workmanship referenced in the information shared. All members taking advantage of the value-added service should conduct their own due diligence on the project, labor force, or available workers provided by MBCEA in this communication and ensure the requisite management and oversight required to protect your company.