Crew Available in TX

Available Crew,
MBCEA member Hard Steel Contractor, LLC out of Magnolia, TX has a 4 man crew available immediately to assist with erecting & sheeting and trim work. "We are willing to travel but would prefer to stay inside Texas state lines. The crew has experience installing double lok SSR both 90 & 180 degree installations, bag and sag insulation. Crew has 10 hour osha training. Experienced with Rigid, Mueller, Alliance, Nucor and MBCI products & PEMB kits. Crew Foreman is certified in IMP’s and recognized as an assured quality craftsman." With any questions or more information please contract Bailey Chandler at 281-541-0747 or
* MBCEA offers information to its members regarding specific projects, labor force needs, and available workers as a value-added service to its members. This information is offered for purposes of connecting members to available opportunities. MBCEA promotes the safe and professional construction of metal building systems; but our organization is not set up to and does not screen members for their qualifications or ability to work on any specific project. As such, MBCEA makes no promises, representations, warranties, or guarantees about the quality of the company, people, or workmanship referenced in the information shared. All members taking advantage of the value-added service should conduct their own due diligence on the project, labor force, or available workers provided by MBCEA in this communication and ensure the requisite management and oversight required to protect your company.